• cdisp


1. In the years 1997-2024, the main partner of the Center used to be the IBFD in Amsterdam (the Netherlands), which is considered by specialists to be one of the leading educational, documentation, publishing and scientific institutions dealing with tax law issues.

  • As part of the cooperation, the Center gained access to the IBFD Tax Research Platform (IBFD's electronic knowledge and tax document database, considered worldwide to be one of the best sources of knowledge about tax law).
  • In addition, students and academics of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz visited the IBFD to collect literature for their master's, doctoral and postdoctoral theses, and to exchange views with specialists from the IBFD.
  • As part of the cooperation with the IBFD, prof. Johannes de Goede, an outstanding specialist in the field of international and European tax law, has been giving lectures on international and European tax law to students of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz and to students of the Postgraduate Studies in Tax Law since 2003, as a professor at the University of Lodz.
  • Employees of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz took part in an internship as part of task V "Improving the qualifications of the academic staff of the Faculty of Law and Administration" as part of the project "Educating staff for the needs of the flexicurity market and the knowledge-based economy - the offer of humanities and social sciences at the University of Lodz", organized by IBFD, the aim of which was to prepare for conducting Postgraduate Studies in Tax Law in e-learning form.

2. Currently, cooperation is undertaken primarily with scientific and teaching units of the University of Tillburg (the Netherlands), in particular as part of the Eucotax program, coordinated by the University of Tilburg. In the past, joint seminars/conferences for students were also organized (International Study Course on Pensions 2010).

3. Since 2015, cooperation has been developed with Shanghai Lixin University of Finance and Accounting (China). As part of the formalized cooperation, international conferences are organized together, guest lectures and study visits are held. Researchers from the Chinese university also complete research internships in Łódź.

4. The Center also occasionally cooperates with the Institute of Austrian and International Tax Law at the University of Economics in Vienna (Austria) - Institut für Österreichisches und Internationales Steuerrecht Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (research internships, participation in conferences).

5. In 2015, the Centre undertook intensive cooperation with the Luarasi University in Tirana, Albania (guest lectures, study visits, participation in conferences) and with the Caucasus International University in Tbilisi, Georgia (guest lectures).

6. Occasionally, cooperation also takes place with other foreign centres (Italy, Spain, Russia, Sweden).

7. The Centre's international activity also involves organising lectures by foreign guests at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz: The Centre was visited and lectured for students of the Faculty of Law and Administration by: Prof. Dr. Hubert Hamaekers (Netherlands), Prof. Stafford Smiley (USA), Prof. Marina Karasjewa (Russia), Prof. Antonio Uricchio (Italy), Prof. Pedro M. Herrera (Spain), Prof. Pasquale Pistone, Dr. Carlo Romano (Italy), Prof. Kees van Raad (Netherlands), Arcotia Hatsidimitris (Netherlands), Prof. Jan de Goede (Netherlands), Prof. Michael Lang (Austria), Prof. Philip Baker (Great Britain), Prof. Victor van Kommer (Netherlands), Prof. Altin Hoti (Albania), Prof. Marciano Saebra de Godoi (Brazil), Dr. Tan Yusen (China). The Centre also accepts foreign trainees (so far from Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Russia, Romania, Sweden, Italy)