• cdisp


The Centre of Tax Documentation and Studies in Lodz owns the largest specialist tax library in Poland, comprising Polish and foreign publications on tax law and economical aspects of taxation.

The library gathers books and periodicals in the Polish language, as well as in English, German and French. At present the collection comprises over 4500 items and it is continuously enlarged by acquiring the latest publications available at the market as well as volumes of periodicals.The library also possesses a complete collection of "Tax Law Quarterly" ("Kwartalnik Prawa Podatkowego"), published by the Centre since 1999.

The centre has an access to Lex and Legalis digital legal databases (e-resources of the University of Lodz Library) and,the IBFD Tax Research Platform (only onsite).

Publications may be used only onsite, without a possibility of borrowing them. To arrange a visit, please contact us by email. Note: due to the reorganization of the book collection, the collection is not currently available.

All information can be obtained by email: cdisp@wpia.uni.lodz.pl